Industry Sponsorships & Awards
An unrivalled commitment and passion to supporting the baking industry.
EOI are passionate about encouraging the current and the next generation of artisan Pastry Chefs and Bakers. We support the growth of the Australian baking community through numerous Sponsorships and industry partnerships.
Apprentice Awards support

Baking Association of Australia
National “Excellence In Baking” EOI are the principal sponsor for Australia’s finest apprentice Pastry Chef and Baker.

William Angliss Dux Pastry Cook Award
EOI offer a dux award to the top final year student in pastry at the William Angliss Institute, the Specialist Centre for Foods, Tourism, Hospitality and Events training and education in Victoria.

Regency College SA pastry cook
EOI offer a dux award to the top final year student in pastry at the Regency College SA.

Go Tafe Shepparton

Wodonga Tafe
Industry Awards & Sponsorships

Australian Baking Industry National Scholarship Awards
EOI are the principal sponsor of the Australian Baking Industry National Scholarship Awards which are conducted by the Australian Society of Baking. There are 2 scholarship categories – the Arthur E Denison award for ‘the over 25s’ and the Sydney J Packham Baking Industry Medal for the ‘18-24s’.